Friday 12 December 2014

my trailer

stuff to do or include

love songs

characterstyle presets, costume, personality

setting actors locartion script

shots, storyboard, scenes.

insperation from otehr films for references

drawings and ideas, changes

copy rights, software using, text, production.

Task 2- story planning ideas

synopsis for my rom com

The First Date

idea one, boy and girl have been talking online for a few days. he doesnt turn up, turnso out he did but was watching from a distance and chickened out and left her because he knew all he'd do is hurt her. she goes through depression, he gets his family back

maria and joesph are highschool enemies, one day the teacher grets sick of their fighting and oputs them together for the enxt half years project. throught this they grow love out of the spitew htey felt once before. and complicationsd enter where marias best friend likes joseph and marias old crush finally asks her out. prettiest girl in school, nerdy fat boy.....1 ytear altwer

a girl falls in love with a guy, until she meets his brother and realizes she actually loves him

a student who has a crush on his teacher who is going through a divorce.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                a a bad boy and bad girl meet at college and things turn ugly yet beautiful.


A young bad girl mistakenly meets a bad boy whos good inside. can they find a love and comfort they never had in eachother? or will their evil ways part eachother into destruction.

watch the comical villain style hilarity of these two very odd characters.

script- no script as I used music and text. I had found the perfect song to describe the meeting of the boy and girl, there fore used the song as a script ion a way and used text to describe some key parts such as important characters.

task 1 Romantic comedies

Romantic Comedies a.k.a chick flicks- movies mainly aimed at the female gender and describe the adventure of two peoples meeting-> becoming love. there are a vairety of different kinds of rom coms but the magic in all is the sadness of not beiong able to be with eachother, then ending with remeeting.

what happens in vegas
silver linings playbook
500 days of summer
10 things i hate about you<fave
pretty woman
remember me no funny
bridget jones diary
theres something about mary
high fidelity
adams rib
his girl friday
he was cool
friends with benifits
the proposal
50 first dates
emma stone
 just my luck
bridgit jones diary

i researched a lot of rom com trailers from different times and got very different results. both wernt as attiquette as the expectation. they either give away the story too much or show nothing at all.

trailers- are used to promote and attract people to come watch the movie, by giving a preview of what its about to interest you without giving away the story. trailers are a series of clips from a movie to give a feel of what the plot is about without giving away the full story. they also include release date, cast names and producers.

feature length movies- feature length movies are full story based which include a beginning middle-dilemma and end.

posters- movie posters are usually displayed at bus stops or outside a cinema.

my 3 poster ideas

task 2

i have no script in my trailer, i used song and text as text is much more popular and effective in this time. its bold, simple, and not boring.
choosing my actors was very important because i wanted a specific look for my movie trailer.

my lead role was mariyam she was edgy and beautiful at the same time. when i met the male auditioner i instantly knew he was perfect for the role. he looked bery much like a bad boy. all of the cast members , were very helpful with scene ideas and actions. i really enjoyed working with these selected people.
 my side role actors were for the bestfriend roles. a guy and a girl. they came alone as friends with the actors and wanted to participate.

i used bradford college as a locatio because it was full of young socialising teenagers. a place where people meet. the atmosphere felt correct and it  was also near  by.

i hadnt used any props except clothes to enhance the characters looks such as the female roles scarf and glasses in some scenes. ''also the big black boots.''

all the filming equipment i used was a DSLR which i enjoyed using fo r the first time.

poster 100 words

I like the Avengers poster because of its key featurs that make it look eye catching. Dure to the colour contrast and i am really insppired by the backround  scenery which makes each character stand out in their own power and spotlight. i like the action poses which look very interesting and superhero like, they meet the needs of the point. the poster makes the movie look destructive, and very action like. The poster shows a clear influence of action and destruction which  indicates the poster was well thaught out and the colour theme of it all made sense. In my opinion i like the poster however it could have been improved if there was mystery in the scene because it creates curiosity which would make the audienece want to go and see the movie.

tasks mixed up

process of making a posters
from making my poster, I looked at a range of different romantic comedy posters. I found that texts were often very bold, and the two+ main love affair characters were always shown with a costume prop to match the plot. some posters portrayed a back to back or face to face to show some drama and relationship between the characters, an idea of the relationship between the two+ people. then I looked at lots of other movie genre posters to see what I could find with them and how text arrangements/layouts and colours were used to express the mood and theme of the movie.

 these are some film posters I looked at and some detail I found about them.

I found the color white often used for romantic comedy posters and saw the variation of the style throughout different times in history from. old 50's posters would look much ,ore interesting and comical. a very open to humour approach with a lot going on. todays style is very simple with the image/characters wholly trying to convey the title of the movie.9
I wanted to be different with my movie poster. most of the posters didn't seem very interesting, I wanted mine to stand out and pull the audience. for this I did some research and looked for a target audience for the genre of romantic comedies. the genre aimed at women from 14+. after the finding of this very vague large audience, I decided to look into what women want. I wanted to do some research of love itself and what women find cute, and funny to build a concept of what could really grab the audience and what they really wanted to see. I did a simple question/answer interview with a huge variation of different types of women from age to ethnicity, culture, specific 'stereotype' women and some men who liked the genre. this is what I found on my research.
I have come to know that most of the audience seek the realistic fantasy mood, the possibility and hope.  they like to see realistically beautiful women who are unseen and hard working, shes special, and different. I do wish I interviewed more, it was a valuable process to know what the audience thinks. needy of a shooting star, or time in their life where they find someone special. its all very girly and day dreamy but the more exaggerated it is the better, as the possibility in a girls imagination is limitless.
I did some scientific research and found that women are attracted to the tall dark stranger stereo type and men are attracted to girls with very baby features and certain hip to waist ratio.
what would have I liked for the woman and man on my cover poster to look like was very important and drastically opened a new chamber of ideas. the way they stood, the way their character dressed. did I want to exemplify all women, or a specific kind of woman in need of a hero. thinking of the male role preferences was not as easy as I thought. there were a range of specifics of a dream guy but I found the few main keys were 'he has to be funny/witty/charming' 'out of the blue completely wrong but right. (an unexpected love.)' 'handsome' and the main ideal man would have to be a successful business man type.' but I have come to understand that these peoples dreams are far fetched and very cheesy. I noticed the style of the completely ride guy ending up with the beautiful girl, which I really liked. the concept of 'perfection' is far from perfect and far from the much more beautiful reality. we need to show the click, the spark. I chose the mean girl, and bad boy.

the theme, picture research. ideas such as finding romance in facial expressions, sarcasm, the chemistry and psychology between two characters. creating a unseemingly perfect couple. both beautiful with a brokenness, or childhood sadness/sickness. open up to no one except eachother..decide they love eachother.
colour schemes. pink, violet, sensitive feminine love colours to convey the atmosphere of romance within the trailer. costume colour match. nice lovey places. experiment with setting appearance. a nice city place with many people .
other ideas.
opposite ideas.             no need to get angry
room of inspiration.
posters I preferred.                         hey there delilah
process of using Photoshop.            Kelly Clarkson you belong with me
choices and options.                                ''love is deep clouds of oceans waiting to sink.''
                                 ''its like your about to jump, but you don't know if your gonna fall or fly.''
                                             ''its the colour red flashing in the stolen glances between us. and then rushing through your veins into your heartbeat, telling you shes the one in the ache of it.''
character picture taking.              ''I will love you most, on the day after forever.''
atmosphere and mood of poster.      ''its like tasting the stars.'' ''I never knew id feel it. you know when they said it takes a fifth of a second to fall in love, I didn't know it could happen to me, and it did.''
''I was lost into you, having to realise I had fallen in love, long after I fell for you.''
''that little bit of sunlight.''
#and I love each part of him with all my heart, soul and mind''
improvements, versions. ''every single night, as I lay down in bed...and theres this huge, empty space right next to me,  i just lay there; thinking about the arms missing from around my waist, wondering what you look like asleep, knowing right now your awake because you would be, just thinking about everything we never did. and its not the stars that I wished on, or the universe cursing me anymore. I bet they want it to, they want us together. its you, you refuse to love me because your scared if you jump, you wont fly, you'll fall and crash. did I never tell you i'd catch you, if you slip? or is this just your way of stopping me from 'falling' at all.''

review of poster                ''you let us fall apart, before the walls did.''

if the love of of my life left me it would take a few months to get over her
commitment even after drastic mental/physical change
would see passed flaws and help lover over come them
hope is a suitable person to be I a relationship
openness In relationships os needed for the saek of getting to know eachother
love ot first sight vould be possible but getting to know eachotheri s better option

why don't you ask amy ''where is my partridge I na pear tree?''
I feel sick.

different mediums I used. I used magazine cut outs, videoos, interviewing, drawing, feeling love. describing things i love. love is tasting the stars an ocean of comossion. cant stop thinking about them at all. being overwhelmed by something unexpected. one big  book of madness. mad, take you beyond ther limits. its warm and cold. arrow shot right in the heart, and it bleeds in pain, and love and pain. its taking rthe ump to fly and youl never know if you land. you see red, like the colour rushing through your heart and flushing you out as you see her in glances. towards and away.  stay ti watch a rom com-male. still watch if wernt i love. where would you i find love? shy girl, looks don't matter, creativity, fun, friendly. rom com style- shy boy, overly confident girl.  dark brown/. unsure thoughts of long distance relationships. would dump face to face.
ask movieholics

process of using premiere
I decided to  use premiere for my editing as it is used for real feature films and has professional standards. I have used premiere before on other occasions of making home videos or short clips. my knowledge of the software is little, but just enough to get me by with this task. who knows, I may learn more. I find timing of music very important and clarity of the colour/filters of the clips and camera shaky-ness. the angles are very important in terms of perspective and must be well decided upon. I would like to take a natural approach to the movie atmosphere and close a circle of these two individual people, with everything else being a background. that sort of love effect, where everything else ceases to matter and you concentration is driven to the one person. I want to try using different kinds of music to convey a different look on the story. music is very controlling of the mood, I could easily re arrange a few clips and create a whole different atm osphere. there are many important elements to creating movie magic. dubbing, maybe even Foley, timing, colour, text, typography etc..
I think I will mainly improvise as this is not such a serious project, moreover its a growth/learning experience/ exploration. I want to take some really beautiful outside, public area scenes from movies i've seen before and remake them, in my own style.
thinking about filming, location, actors, props, costumes, concept setting design, camera,  sound recording after. direction, character roles, lines, script. changes due to timing, professionalism. in real cases.
story ideas and themes of ideas, concepts, research quotes, inspiration, watching rom-coms, comparisons, ideas, real life relationships. kinds of relationships. circumstances of relationships, self experience? etc. draw images conveying what you find sparks in or romance. certain scenes you want to make come to life. links between make ups and breakups. matchups, character preferences and personalities. character diaries and personal hobbies thoughts and interests.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

task 4 presentation

review: my review of my presentation was a good outcome, the only problems were my lack of video game development in evidence form, and speaking too quickly. i asked my fellow students if they would consider playing my game, they all said yes.
tutors review: need to meet the full needs of the brief, needs further development.
i had accidentally misinterperated the task as i thought we were concentrating on concept art, and forgot i had a video game to develope as i was side tracked by the subject and topic of concept art.

evaluation: i think my video game concept was very well thought out but was awfully represented word for word in my blogs. i did recognize many duties for a video game designer/maker but i could not commit to them very well due to timing. i have learnt many things about creating a video game and concept art, which i have grown a love of. there are many responsibilities and chores to creating a good video game, although if it was my passion, i would find it very simple. things such as  character reference, plagerism, or taking a real life person or story into the game can be involved in ethics, also violence, and games where things arent prohibited as they are in reality. over all i think my idea was pretty good, just need to adjust minor details such as a more thorough thought out story plot.

Task 3

Looking at games for some concept insperation

We went down to the media museum to play some old games and look at the ethics, graphics, target and got some ideas

i played sonic the hedgehog, which was an adventure mission accomplish game. the theme of it was out doors classic grass and blue sky, it was very simple but for its time, must have been amazing to see. i liked the characters actions and the definitive bold blue for sonic. its target audience seemed like it was for kids aged 8-18 mainly boys, although I did enjoy the game myself. obviously after adapting the game further, more characters were added to suit different ranges of audiences and players.

two new games that youve played
mortal kombat is a game developed and was released in 1992. it is full of a range of charachters, with special and unique powers, traits and skills. the game has developed over the years getting better and better. it was so good that spinoffs of tv shows and comic books, card games etc.. the 2011 game is enjoyably bloody and violent and is rated 18+. the game sold more than 2 million copies in the first month and recieved very positive reveiws although it was banned in austrailia until the R rate had came out. the next mortal combat game is due to relwease next year its called mortal kombat x and it is very looked forward to

call of duty: zombies a violent game, for 18+ and attracts both genders but mainly males. the game is world known and very popular and addictive. there are 4 main characters with strange personalities who must work together to kill the zombies in order to reach all rounds. in the game there are a range of guns and other active props and throughout its franchise there have been amny new characters and different maps. because, its live team work it makes it much more interesting and joyful as you can communicate with eachother.

advertising these games is very different, all have opened franchises and have expanded very far, but in differnt ways. sonic has always been an entertaining classic and is world famous as is mortal kombat and cod zombies, both games have their own trailers and advertising blogs and updates as it is an on going adventure with new adjustments all the time.

comparison: i think that earlier games were much more fascinating as they had such a level of simplicity and freedom. the colours were vibrant and the game was just a game for fun. todays games, need a back story, and a reference to every peice of it, its less of an adventure when all the details are infront of you, theres no freedom to explore the game and invent for yourself. things are more factual in new games.

my style choice is to create a game which is suitable for the age ranges of 12-22 because i would like my game to be simple and colourful and childish but also have a combat, competion theme. the genre is obviously adventure, set in ancient egypt where mummies come to life aliens visit. some ethical concerns for my game may be some unsuitable weapons for fighting and battling.

Aliens vs. Mummies

Game idea: the mummies have been awaken and the aliens come to attack.
age range: 12-22
modes where you can pick players from each team and fight.wrestle (tekken style)
adventure mode, where you need to get the key from the tomb.
attack the spaceship
capture tools and objects.
arcade mode, collect the pharos jewels

collect objects: key, sacred book, fire torch, matches,

idea from the mystery of what happened in the times of ancient egypt? were there aliens? these story of things i will leave a mystery all that we find out later in the game is that the aliens are actually humans and maybe further we realize their mission.

the game sets in the ancient times, in the tombs, in the city and in the space ships

equipment such as axes, swords, knives, spell potions, cyber guns, etc.

Monday 15 September 2014

exploring ideas

i looked at lost of different concept art and researched different styles, furthur to my research i searched video game art and noticed many similarities in most teenage games ,which made the graphics seem boring and unsual dar colour ranges. the locations may be different, but were often revealing the exact same dark, mood. i didnt like the idea of it at all so i decided to make my game age range for 8-15 year olds because it was more colourful and adventurous than serious and frighting. 

this is a range of styles i like for a theme of a game or idea.

Monday 8 September 2014


The theme of adventure

from Latin ad meaning 'to'. venture a risky or daring journey or undertaking.

Adventure, quest, journey, voyage, ride, trip, a travel, peregrination, odyssy
- A journey that leads you to new things full of great excitment, thrills, amusments, dilemas. its finally meeting what was waiting with all of the other things you never saw, or knew once before. its creating situations full of both good and bad. its walking outside the box and being lost, only leading you to finding your whole.

Adventure in games: fulfilling a task, saving someone, hunting down, surviving consiquences, defeating, solving. there are many diferent kinds of adventure games and can be put in any theme such as pirates and treasure, to rescuing a damsel, to being lost somewhere trying to get out.

concept- a thought or notion, a creative idea, a predicate, something concieved, a plan. a thought out thought. its the creation and furthur creation; the expantion of something conceived through your own thoughts and imagination.
 this quote inspires me because it describes adventure, but what really sparks it is that somewhere ive never been that doesnt even exist is everything i can create in a video game. its my world to make and the process of making it happen is my adventure, and a place of adventure to be explored in wonderous ways by others.

life itself is a constant adventure, an exploration, a vision we try to focus, its a journey set out to find the peices, like a pirates desire. to risk everything to go as far as you can to reach the unseen; till you have seen the unknown and unexpected. following a mystery.

 My most favourite adventure movie is the goonies.

task1: historical artists

howard pyle (1853-1911); was interested in writing and illustrating from a very young age, he later began to teach it and further more opened his own school of illustrating. one of his best was the merry adventures of robin hood. his illustrations were show in many magazines. his art was often used for insperation, after his death. it was his theme, style and portrayal. he was always very passionate about his work.

contemporary artist:
this kind of art style suits the video game theme, it portrays an intense adventure mood, and fits the suit of the apple to todays audiences eyes.

atrists of a game called adventure time.

other different art