Tuesday 14 October 2014

task 4 presentation

review: my review of my presentation was a good outcome, the only problems were my lack of video game development in evidence form, and speaking too quickly. i asked my fellow students if they would consider playing my game, they all said yes.
tutors review: need to meet the full needs of the brief, needs further development.
i had accidentally misinterperated the task as i thought we were concentrating on concept art, and forgot i had a video game to develope as i was side tracked by the subject and topic of concept art.

evaluation: i think my video game concept was very well thought out but was awfully represented word for word in my blogs. i did recognize many duties for a video game designer/maker but i could not commit to them very well due to timing. i have learnt many things about creating a video game and concept art, which i have grown a love of. there are many responsibilities and chores to creating a good video game, although if it was my passion, i would find it very simple. things such as  character reference, plagerism, or taking a real life person or story into the game can be involved in ethics, also violence, and games where things arent prohibited as they are in reality. over all i think my idea was pretty good, just need to adjust minor details such as a more thorough thought out story plot.

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